A Floating Garden...
The name “Madeira” derives from the immensely dense forests that caught the eyes of the explorers when they reached the island for the first time in 1420. Presently, Madeira is known as the “Sleeping Garden" or the "Island of Flowers." With the arrival of spring, Madeira is reborn with new flowers of all colors and sizes (mainly in the south). Thanks to its favourable mild and moderate climate, you can enjoy Madeira´s beautiful flowers throughout the year. About 16% of Madeira´s plants are endemic or in other words, these plants exist only in Madeira Island and will not be found in any other place in the world.
Many tropical and subtropical plants of rare beauty arrived on the island, at the hands of merchants of the 18th century. Many parks were created for these plants to adapt and develop on the island. Today these parks may be visited. An example of such a park is the Blandy Gardens which include about 760 species that belong to a vast collection of exotic plants and trees. In the month of May, Jacaranda trees bloom in a soft lilac, and in the autumn the Sumaúma (Ceiba pentandra) trees make an appearance. All year round you can admire beautiful orchids, as well as bougainvillea, hibiscus, the trumpeter, proteas, anthuriums and the Estrelícia.
The arrival of spring brings forth flowering azaleas, rhododendrons, Aloe, Camellias, trumpeters and the Flowers of Passion. Along with summertime comes blooming hydrangeas, Coralina Crystals, Magnolias, Agapantus, Oleander, Roca Venus ... from Europe there are flowers such as Amaryllis, Begonia, Caltha, Freesia and geraniums.
Altitude has a major influence on the development of flora of the island. Up to 700 meters the land is mainly used for agricultural purposes. Occupying an extensive part of Madeira´s land between the altitudes of 700 to 1400 meters is an extremely important Nature Reserve known as the Laurissilva.
Eucalyptus is a very abundant species in the region that is fast-growing and whose height can reach up to 65 meters. Several species of exotic palms may be found more commonly in low-lying areas and coastal areas. Also... and obviously, Madeira produces a wide variety of fruits, some of European origin such as the fig, melon, papaya, avocado, tamarilhos, oranges and lemons...